Monday, September 9, 2013

laundry day...

today is a late day for me.woke up late.stay home whole a load of laundry like 5 loads,yup that many.them i follow this blog for long time.i found her in face book also.i always admired her food like Filipino food.the have a tons of Filipino food post.then one day she posted this receipt for binangkal.its been so long didn't eat this snacks food for the home today i decided to follow her receipt oh boy my first try very good.i am so excited i text my friends how want binangkal?when my daughter got home for school she what is that i said binangkal try she try it and eaten 2 of the binangkal.she said 

this her blog:
 this her facebook to:

Hope you find her blog useful.because me i love her blog.the yummy foods.maybe next time i need to try more of the receipt she have.

picture of my binangkal:
first try.

sorry some are over cook.oh will..
thank you.see you next time.good night everyone.